Según la sabiduría tradicional prevenía contra el mareo y las tempestades por lo que se la conocía como la piedra del marinero y estos la usaban como amuletos. En muchos casos estaban grabadas con las figuras de Poseidón o Neptuno, los dioses griego y romano del mar.
According to the lore, sailors used to wear amulets of aquamarine for protection at sea in ancient times. They were usually engraved with Poseidon or Neptune, the Greek and Roman gods of the sea.
Durante el Medievo, los alquimistas la usaban como talismán contra la retención de líquidos y para mejorar la digestión. Además se creía que servía de antídoto contra todo tipo de venenos.
During the Middle Ages, alchemist used aquamarines as talisman against fluid retention and to improve digestion. It was also believed that they worked as antidote against all sort of poisons.
During the Middle Ages, alchemist used aquamarines as talisman against fluid retention and to improve digestion. It was also believed that they worked as antidote against all sort of poisons.
According to the traditional knowledge, aquamarines guaranteed a happy marriage and also bring the woman who wears it joy and wealth.
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