I must admit that I am a curious person, well, maybe a bit nosy… and since I am spending quite a lot of time at Coderque Jewel’s workshop, I like to pry into the stuff that Marta has around; stones, pieces under work, pieces of paper… Short time ago I found this notebook, that I think is a small treasure and that you will love it. It is full with design ideas, drawings, sketches; both of pieces and collections that she has already developed and manufactured and others that are in stand-by or just a few details to be ready. So, bit by bit, I will uncover it’s secrets.

La viuda Negra es una pieza que siempre me ha encantado; no pasa inadvertida y siempre es divertido ver las reacciones de la gente cuando se dan cuenta de que lo que tienes colgando de la oreja o como broche en la chaqueta es una araña.
The Black Widow is a piece that I have always liked; it never goes unnoticed and it is a lot of fun to see people’s reaction when they notice that what you have hanging from your ear or as a brooch on your jacket, is a spider.
The Black Widow is a piece that I have always liked; it never goes unnoticed and it is a lot of fun to see people’s reaction when they notice that what you have hanging from your ear or as a brooch on your jacket, is a spider.
Y en el cuaderno de Marta he encontrado el dibujo original a partir del cual elaboró la Colección Viuda Negra.
And in Marta’s notebook I have found the original drawing from which she developed the Black Widow Collection.

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Visit our online store or mail us at coderque@coderque.com
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