Para el proceso creativo en Coderque Jewels se tienen en cuenta muchos factores; se estudian las tendencias actuales, los colores de la temporada, los estilos en moda, etc. para centrar las propuestas y crear colecciones que enamoren, pero que se diferencien del resto con un estilo propio y un gusto estético exquisito.
La imaginación de Marta Coderque hace el resto. Crea joyas inspiradas en sus vivencias, su viajes, la arquitectura y la naturaleza. Sin perder de vista la atemporalidad que tiene que acompañar a las joyas, están a la moda, pero van más allá de una temporada.
Se eligen los materiales; los metales nobles, los baños de calidad, los esmaltes y las gemas, siempre naturales que son las señas de identidad de la marca. Y se trabaja en estrecha colaboración con los artesanos por cuyas manos pasan las piezas para asegurar la calidad de los acabados y la atención al detalle de la que hace gala Coderque Jewels. Se hacen pequeñas producciones para asegurar la exclusividad. A fin de cuentas, piezas discretas y elegantes que permanecen en la retina y en la mente de quien las ve. ¿Tienes ya tu joya Coderque?
The creative process at Coderque Jewels involve a large number of factors; the study of the fashion trends, the seasons colors, the different styles setted by fashion, etc. to focus all this information and create collections that have to be loved, but that are different from the rest with their own style and an exquisite aesthethic sense.. Marts Coderques imagination does de rest. She creates jewels inspired by her experiences, her travels, architecture and nature. But always keeping in mind that a jewel has to be timeless; it's fashionable, but it goes further than just a couple of seasons.
The materials are choosen; precious metals, quality platings, enamels and gemstones, always natural gemstones, which are the identity hallmarks of the brand. We work closely with the craftsmen who handle our pieces to ensure quality, perfect finishes and attention to detail which are the our pride. We go ahead with limited productions to ensure exclusivity. After all, dainty and elegant jewels that becomes engraved in our minds. Do you have your Coderque jewel yet?
The creative process at Coderque Jewels involve a large number of factors; the study of the fashion trends, the seasons colors, the different styles setted by fashion, etc. to focus all this information and create collections that have to be loved, but that are different from the rest with their own style and an exquisite aesthethic sense.. Marts Coderques imagination does de rest. She creates jewels inspired by her experiences, her travels, architecture and nature. But always keeping in mind that a jewel has to be timeless; it's fashionable, but it goes further than just a couple of seasons.
The materials are choosen; precious metals, quality platings, enamels and gemstones, always natural gemstones, which are the identity hallmarks of the brand. We work closely with the craftsmen who handle our pieces to ensure quality, perfect finishes and attention to detail which are the our pride. We go ahead with limited productions to ensure exclusivity. After all, dainty and elegant jewels that becomes engraved in our minds. Do you have your Coderque jewel yet?
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